FLEXIBLE DIETING: HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS – You see Insta stories and posts on soc…

FLEXIBLE DIETING: HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS – You see Insta stories and posts on social media of people using Flexible Dieting but all they show is when they eat the junk food not what they eat a majority of the time. – I’m even guilty of this! – Here’s the thing: if you’re doing it right you’re still eating healthy 80% of the time and the other 20% of the time you can eat what you want. – For example you still want to eat your meats fish poultry eggs and whey isolate for your protein sources and you still should get a minimum of 3 cups of non-starchy veggies per day. If after you’ve done this and hit your protein then it’s fun to figure out what “junk foods” you can eat. – This is what I do. I eat healthily and treat myself in the evening with junk foods like ice cream and chocolate bars (as long as I can fit it into my macros and as long as I’ve hit my protein and vegetable quotas). – If all you eat is junk food day-in-and-day-out then you’re not doing flexible dieting correctly. Go back to King’s landing. You’re not welcome in the North. – Either way focus on good quality whole foods and enjoy your treats in moderation. Hit your macros and protein goals and you’ll be good. – If someone you know would be interested in this then send them here. – #macros #iifym #ifitfitsyourmacros #flexibledieting #flexiblediet #nutrition #weighttraining #HIIT #cardio #bulking #cutting #bulkingseason #bulkseason #bulkingup #bulkup #bulklife #cuttingseason #gainmuscle #buildmuscle #musclegain #strongaf #pumpingiron #doyouevenlift #meatheadproblems #truenutrition #jmaxfitness #quadzilla #bodybuildingnation #meathead #screwcardio See more at JMaxFitness.com/

Source by jmaxfitness



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