What do I consider myself? Well… I’m not #vegan but I do post when I eat #vega…
What do I consider myself? Well… I’m not #vegan but I do post when I eat #veganfriendly meals. Some of my favorite #personalcare items are in fact vegan and I find that’s not a bad way to go! I’m not entirely #paleo either. I believe the term is more along 80/20 and my body seems to respond very well! Days I crave fresh and #raw I eat and do what I can to stay in budget. I listen to my body and I think that’s what more people need to do. For instance: I need to keep away from most #dairy since I’ve had kids. Doesn’t sit well and it makes me feel sluggish. However #cottagecheese is a fit and the #protein really keeps me going. I also make my own #butter/#buttermilk. HUGE difference!! I have a heaping spoonful of #coconutoil in my #coffee every morning. So amazing! Keep your #calories up #cleaneating and #exercise and you should see/feel a difference. #organic #nongmo #shannonproaesty02 #esthetician by shannonproaesty02
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